The Energy Of Expansion

The Energy Of Expansion

(online global meditation 2020-07-07)
Here you find the transcript of some of the information that The Alchemy Collective Consciousness shared with us during the session.
"...The Diamond Lights are the newest waves or energies of the Ascension or Great Awakening, and they carry the codes of Remembrance, the codes that allow you the Expansion of your Consciousness, beyond what you could possibly imagine. […]

And yes for some of you that bring in the Pink Diamond Light for 3 minutes a day, when we do this together it can feel much stronger, for there are so many of you co-creating together. […]

And we share with some of you including Ana-La-Rai, that as you have the White Being from the Family of El present with you all week after the full moon [meditation with Ana-La-Rai] and before the workshop, the energies might feel much, much stronger. And we have to focus to keep Ana-La-Rai coming back so that she may speak, for she too wants to go deep in and off into the distance so to speak, into the bliss. […]

Allow yourself to be filled with this Divine Love, these codes and frequencies, to help you remember who you are on all levels. […]

And we remind you that many of these energetic tools that you have used before, and even the frequencies of the Diamond Light continue to upgrade and change. So something that you might have used many years ago and you pull it out of your tool chest so to speak, your energetic tool chest might feel very different. Not only because you are different than before, but because they are being automatically upgraded with the frequencies on the planet now. […]

And as we do this (Expansion) it benefits in various ways.
Of course, it benefits you in your own life, in your own energy field and perception, for you can always return to this state of Expansion.
It benefits the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, for when you go to these states you open up the pathways for more to follow more readily.
And thirdly, you assist Mother Gaia in her evolution by bringing in other frequencies, for when you expand like this it is impossible to be in the anger or the fear or the disappointment, if you are truly present in the moment. And so you are benefiting Mother Gaia in her own Ascension or Awakening process, shifting process. […]

And feel how big your Heart is, as you have continued to expand, and how perspectives look different from this expanded state. […]

And we say to you it is important occasionally - or regularly as you choose - to take a few moments and do this sort of Expansion.
For you live in a dimension of constraints, in a physical body that limits you in so many ways.
It is so magnificent, but it is a small container for this very large and magnificent soul.
So the Expansion is a beautiful exercise to do. We would say it’s almost like stretching your legs, stretching your arms, but you are doing it on an energetic level, for your Consciousness […] … to feel more of who you are, and that is where the Expansion assists you..."
If you want to hear the full meditation, feel the energies and be part of the co-creation you are welcome to listen to the free recording:
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