Intentions for 2024

"And to explain what you are doing, you are creating the energetic first. You are creating this in the etherics, before it comes down into your dimension, into the planet Earth. But the energetics are what create things into manifestation.

And we ask you to not change the words, and we would love it if you would share this from our facebook page or post. Put it on any of your social media or share it with others, so that more individuals may look at this and add it to their daily practices.

We ask you to repeat it at least one time a day where you say it three times in a row."

- The Alchemy Collective Consciousness

download the poster

The intentions translated into different languages:

Toda la humanidad puede escoger un despertar gentil para recordar su verdadera naturaleza Divina.


Toda a humanidade pode escolher um despertar gentil para lembrar sua verdadeira natureza Divina.


Tutta l'umanità può scegliere un dolce risveglio per ricordare la propria vera natura divina.


Die gesamte Menschheit kann sich dafür entscheiden sanft zu erwachen um sich ihrer wahren göttlichen Natur zu erinnern.


Thank you everyone for translating!

If you can translate into any other language please let us know at

If you would like the above flyer with the intention in a different language please write us at

Thank you for being part of this and for spreading the message!

"We want you to realize and remember that it does not mean the whole planet wakes up in the blink of an eye, eventhough that could always occur, but what it means is that people have the opportunity. It sets a new energetic in the fields for more people to choose to remember. And when they choose is their individual path, but these intentions sets up an energetic that allows this to happen."

- The Alchemy Collective Consciousness

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